Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why do Men and Women Cheat

Why do we cheat? It is kind of similar to children if your parents don’t praise you enough and give them attention they move on to someone else like the nanny, obviously as adults it’s a a lot more complex than that but you get the example.   In my opinion, for women, we cheat when deeper more emotional fulfillments aren’t met from our partner, and for men it is the same but sex plays a bigger role in that, or the reason sometimes doesn’t even involve you it’s something based on them being a bit insecure with themselves. But this is only my opinion lets see what the statistics have to say?

10 Top Reason Why Men Cheat

·        Because they had the choice to do so. “men are only as faithful as their options” Men get offered sex more often then women so when the opportunity does arise, it can be very difficult for them to say no.

·          It boosts their ego. Sometimes men don’t feel like they are attractive to the opposite sex, yes men also need some compliments about their appearance from time to time its not only us women. When another woman shows some interest, not only does a man react, he may allow her to boost his ego and more. There’s nothing like the thrill of the chase to men on the hunt.

·          You grow apart. Maybe the two of you didn’t have as much in common as you thought or you’ve reached a bump in the road. He’s met a woman with whom he feels he has more in common with him.

·         You fight a lot. Men will sometimes cheat to get away from critical or argumentative partner. Who wants to be near a person who is constantly on them about something. (we have a our parents for that)

·         They have fallen out of love. Sometimes men are so comfortable in a relationship, they don’t know how to get out or feel obligated to stay in the relationship. They may because of children or financial reasons. However, they feel like they are missing out on love and may seek it out elsewhere.

·         This one is a bold one. If a man has a boring partner or isn’t getting enough sex at home to fulfill him, there is a good chance he will have an affair. Just because you have a husband or boyfriend, does not mean you don’t need a good thrill in sex, or to not try new things. It takes a little bit of effort to keep your sex life from getting boring or non-existent. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their partner refuses.

·         A man will sometimes cheat if he finds out his partner was cheating on him. It does sound childish but some people feel if they have been cheated on then the only way to feel better and stay with that person because you love them so much is to get revenge.

·         Some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a hamburger (that’s why you have to try new things, new locations, do role play so that he doesn’t leave the home to for the hamburger.)

·         To see if they can get away with it.(like a child trying to sneak out of a party? Yeah basically)  If a man has thinks “what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her,” he may cheat to see if he is sneaky enough to get away with it.

Because you have allowed it in the past. If you forgave him for a couple of times, he is more likely going to do it again. Because he knows how much you love him that if he begs enough, you will forgive them.

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Cheat

·         Not Enough Sex  When responsibility entered the mix -- and kids -- and before you know it, sleep is important than sex. Well, women don’t like to feel unwanted. To keep that spark alive, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative e-mails at lunch, don’t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex. It’s not only about sex we need to feel that magical spark and that extra effort to make us happy be it just a little flower

·         Being The Bad Girl women have an inner sex minx just waiting to be unleashed -- and when the beast escapes from the cage, look out. This frisky behavior usually rears its ugly head in response to some sort of life change -- major weight loss, new job, new friends, mid-life crisis, etc. Some women also feel they should act lady like and not be so wild, so if someone else brings out her wild side watch out.

·         Self-Esteem  If your wife or girlfriend has self-esteem issues, it doesn’t mean she’s going to cheat -- and it’s not your fault if she does -- but there are ways to make her feel secure in the relationship that could help her from straying. Pay attention to her, ask her questions and don’t hold back on compliments.

·         Revenge/Payback For Past Wrongs Maybe you didn’t nessecarily cheat, or cheat at all, maybe you just messed up on something for your lives and broke her trust(and, possibly, her heart). She feels wounded and betrayed -- and wants to hurt you the same way you hurt her. Actions speak louder than words, you must prove her your sorry, not just say it.

·         Lack Of Intimacy You have it all: financially or so you think. But inside, the relationship is lacking the one thing women want most: intimacy. It’s not just sex that makes women feel connected in a relationship; it’s touching, kissing, cuddling, and communicating. We feed off of it, and we may not nessecarily cheat, sexually but emotional still counts. To improve intimacy, spend quality time together, give her a foot massage, make a romantic dinner for the two of you.

      ·   Feeling Neglected/Ignored/Underappreciated When she feels more like a maid than a girlfriend/wife, and you don’t notice those little things like she cut her hair or lost wait, or has a new outfit, that’s when she could stray. The fact that you spend all your time at work or on the golf course gives her double reason to seek attention elsewhere.

·         Your Emotional Withdrawal Incase you didn’t notice we are filled with emotions. Not only do we need physical support, but they also need emotional support. Once you retreat from the relationship, a breakup is inevitable. So, she’s not really cheating, she’s moving on. This  means sharing your icky feelings, but it’s better than the alternative, right?

·         Bedroom Boredom Sex can become boring if you let it  -- the same position; the same setting; the same person. An affair adds adventure and gets her adrenalin flowing. The unexpected adds excitement. ( get a kamasutra book)

·         Exit Strategy Yes we can be cowards as well, we use cheating to get out of the relationship. An affair is the easy way out -- or at least that’s how she sees it. We need to know we can talk to you about anything and that your love is enough to fix the bumps in the relationship road.

·         Revenge For Your Cheating” Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Because you cheated, she wants to get back at you and give you a dose of your own medicine.  Solution? Don’t cheat or try couples therapy maybe….

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